High Feed and Dynamic Milling cutting tools and strategies have forever changed the way modern machinists process both 2D and complex 3D components. Advanced programming strategies coupled with state of the art cutting tool technology and coatings have taken metal removal rates to levels which we never thought possible. As good as both of these strategies are, they do, however, have their limits. Understanding these limits and just how far you can push them will determine which process is best suited for your specific applications.
During the webinar, you will learn how to determine if high feed milling, or dynamic milling is the best strategy for your application. You will also dive into the importance of material hardness, specific CNC milling machines and right CAM programming software when it comes to making the right choice. Our speakers will advise you on which types of holders are recommended for both strategies and which resources can help you to learn more about each of them. At the end of the session, you will even have the opportunity to interact with our speakers and ask questions via live chat.
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